What Is Social Bookamarking In SEO

Social bookmark submitting has effect on SEO of any website or internet look for results positioning of that website. It helps to increase the pagerank and traffic for your website.Google can use the data by counting the favorites as votes, using tags to help categorize data, using favorites to enhance link building counts. Votes When online look for engine spider social bookmarking websites, they count how many of these bookmarked your website, If you have lot of favorites, it will increase your internet look for results positioning positions. Link Popularity The number count of your website in social bookmarking websites also means that it is getting links from those websites (social social bookmarking sites). So it means in increase of Link Popularity. Keyword and key phrase Positions It also help in keywords rankings in look for search engines. For example if your webpage is tagged with the keyword “Web Hosting”, looking engines can add this data to the info they have about your website and improve your rankings for that keyword. Crawling Google, MSN and Other Serach Engines crawl websites such as technorati and del.icio.us very often. So, if people bookmark or vote for your website, it will help your page get crawled quicker. SEO Help It helps to increase your website value in look for search engines eye. They give more importance to your website.
What Is Social Bookamarking In SEO What Is Social Bookamarking In SEO Reviewed by Premnath on 07:58 Rating: 5

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